The Role of the Local Transport Provider
The LTP, or Local Transport Provider, is a better term for what is called an "open access" network. This short article provides an easy to understand overview of how an open access network is operated.
Worst Practices in Community Broadband, Part 1
Want to know what best practice is in community broadband? Read this article and don't do these "worst practice" activities, and you are probably achieving best practice.
Worst Practices in Community Broadband, Part 2
A follow up to the hugely popular Part 1, this article provides more insight into best practice (and worst practice) in community broadband projects.
Broadband for America: The Third Way
Communities can't wait any longer. Virtually all businesses, large and small, now use the Internet. Affordable access to telecom services is now a business, and many kinds of new job opportunitites require broadband. Open access service-oriented networks using a new and different business model and a new and different network architecture, offers existing incumbents and network operators an opportunity to overcome the inherent financial shortcomings and network inefficiencies in their existing networks. For communities that choose to invest in telecom as basic infrastructure, open access networks provide a robust and financially sustainable business model that uses a time-tested model for government infrastructure investments--an approach that not only does not compete with existing private sector providers but also creates new private sector business opportunities and helps to create new jobs locally.